Are You Pregnant?

It’s Your Decision

We are here to help you. If you are pregnant and would like to speak with a staff member, you may call/text 248-921-4769

Morning Star Adoption Center » Are You Pregnant?

You Are Not Alone; Morning Star Is Here for You

An unplanned pregnancy will change your life forever, no matter what you choose to do. How it changes your life is up to you. Pregnant women who choose adoption do so for many different reasons. Primarily, parents who make the choice of adoption want to provide their child with the best possible life.

Many women do not feel “ready” to parent, and they must make a difficult decision. Adoption offers them an option to choose parents who are “ready.” If you decide that adoption is the right option for you and your child, you can begin the process during your pregnancy, at the hospital after your child is born, or after you have taken your baby home. Morning Star can assist you with an adoption plan at any time.

We Can Help You Choose Your Child’s Family

At Morning Star, we don’t see it as an expectant mother putting her baby up for adoption. We see her as lovingly placing her baby directly into the arms of the adoptive family that she has chosen. As an expectant mother making an adoption plan, you have choices. You can choose your child’s adoptive family, and you choose whether you wish to have an open, semi-open, or closed adoption. At Morning Star, we do not use temporary “host” or foster homes. Your baby goes directly into the care of the adoptive family you have chosen for them.

Adoption is not an easy decision to make. You may experience many mixed and confusing emotions. We understand that this is a difficult process and that your feelings will not just “go away” after your child is born. Sharing your feelings with others will help. An experienced Morning Star Adoption Center counselor will provide you with counseling to help you cope with these feelings and can connect you with on-going support.

We are available to personally meet with you—either at your home, at a neutral location, or in our office—regularly and at your convenience. Our goal is to assist you during this stressful time of your life and make a sound plan for you ​and your child.

Work with a Caseworker

When considering adoption, your caseworker will assist you with 

  • Exploring your options
  • Education about adoption
  • Counseling
  • Securing Medical Care
  • Post-placement Support
  • Legal Processing & Finances

Services for the Father

We also provide services for the father, which can be provided separately from you. If the father is not active in the planning for the child, we will complete the necessary legal processing so that you may proceed with the adoption plan.