Expecting mothers may call 248.483.5484 or text 248.921.4769.
A well-made plan begins with a sound understanding of the process and available options. Morning Star Adoption Center staff members are prepared to thoroughly educate you to help you formulate the best plan for you and your child.
We will support whatever decisions you make regarding your future plan for your child.

Medical Care
It is important to take good care of yourself and your unborn baby during pregnancy. We value you as a person and are committed to helping you stay healthy—both emotionally and physically. Morning Star will assist you with finding good medical attention for your prenatal care, delivery, and post-partum care.
If you do not have health insurance, Morning Star Adoption Center will assist you with how to apply for Medicaid or any other forms of assistance you may be eligible for. If you need assistance with transportation to your appointments, Morning Star Adoption Center will work with you to find a user-friendly and affordable method of transportation.

In addition to your physical well-being, Morning Star is committed to emotional health. Morning Star Adoption Center offers free and confidential pregnancy counseling, support, and education.
We are available to personally meet with you—either at your home, at a neutral location, or in our office—regularly and at your convenience. Our goal is to assist you during this difficult time in your life.

Legal Processing
Morning Star Adoption Center can conduct all of the legal processing that is necessary to complete an adoption properly. If you would like to meet with an attorney, a knowledgeable adoption attorney will be arranged for you.
The legal processing cannot begin until the child is born. At that time, Morning Star Adoption Center will assist you with placing the child into the home of the adoptive family, filing the proper documents with the courts, and will assist you with the rest of the legal process. If the father is not available to participate in the legal process, Morning Star Adoption Center will assist with the proper legal processing to terminate his parental rights.