Ken & Katherine – ON HOLD

Dec 28, 2022

Dear Expectant Parent,

Thank you for considering us! We are Ken and Katherine and we’re very excited at the opportunity to grow our family through adoption. We got married in 2021, and have been in a committed relationship since 2016. Adoption has been our first choice ever since we began discussing having children. Both of us come from smaller but very tight-knit families that we speak to and visit with on a regular basis.

We own our home and made sure to choose a house in a diverse neighborhood with opportunities for a child to learn and grow. As parents, we hope we can instill a sense of optimism in a child that allows them to feel confident and express themselves while still being respectful of others. While we do not affiliate with a specific religion, both of us believe in treating all people with respect and doing good in the world to help others. We have one elderly cat, George, who greatly enjoys cuddling , even if it means distracting you from whatever you’re doing at the moment. He is extremely friendly and inquisitive and loves being around people.

We enjoy traveling within the US and internationally, and hope to take our future children to new places so they can experience different cultures. Ken enjoys hiking and exploring nature, and has a passion for both cars and music. Katherine enjoys baking, gardening, and horseback riding. We are both big animal lovers, and also enjoy watching college football and basketball together.

Katherine is a social worker and currently works in health insurance, with a passion for helping older adults. Ken works as an engineer for an automotive supplier and loves understanding how things work and the mechanics behind them. Both of us are very comfortable with our careers and expect to continue on in these professions.

Thank you for considering us in this important decision. We are embracing the adoption process and hope to become parents, with our ultimate wish to welcome a child with all of our love.

Thank you and much love,

Ken & Katherine