Chris and Jess – MATCHED

Sep 8, 2022

Hello! We are Chris and Jess. Thank you for taking the time to view our profile and for considering us as adoptive parents. We admire your courage and the love you have for your child as you consider making an adoption plan for them.

We were introduced by a mutual friend at work in 2013. We dated for four years and were married in 2017. We value kindness, learning, and filling our lives with meaningful experiences shared with our family and friends. Our marriage is rooted in friendship, respect, honesty, and communication. The nine years we’ve been together have been filled with love, adventures, and challenges that we take on together. We bought our home in 2015, completed many renovations and projects, traveled around the U.S. and many other countries, and welcomed our pup, Friday, into our family in 2020.

Chris is warm, funny, playful, easygoing, and supportive. He has a bachelor’s degree in economics and works as a mortgage underwriter. He has worked in the mortgage industry for 11 years. Chris enjoys learning about finance, economics, investing, and history and spends his spare time reading, cooking, going for walks, and watching football. Jess is creative, empathetic, organized, bubbly, and always looking for a laugh. She is currently working on her master’s degree in instructional design and technology. She has nine years of experience working in training and development as a training consultant, copywriter, and graphic designer. She enjoys learning about architecture, art, and environmental conservation. Jess loves to read, bake, organize, and research travel destinations in her spare time.

We love to travel and cannot wait to experience adventures around the world with our growing family. We believe that travel enriches our lives, broadens our perspective, and connects us to cultures, people, art, history, nature, and wildlife. We spend a lot of time in northern Michigan, where we kayak, snowshoe, golf (Jess loves just driving the cart!), and enjoy nature. On a regular night, you’d find us cooking dinner together or trying a local restaurant, taking Friday for a walk, and relaxing on the sofa watching a show or movie.

As parents, we promise to provide unconditional love, support, access to resources and opportunities, and a safe, stable, happy, loving home. Our goal as parents is to support a child in learning to be kind, confident, and curious and to support their interests and skills as they work toward their dreams. We are excited about open adoption and will respect whatever level of contact you are comfortable with.

This is only a bit about us and our lives, but you can learn more about us and connect through Morning Star Adoption Center. Thankyou for getting to know us, and we look forward to the opportunity to meet you and get to know you too!